Friday, September 04, 2015

The Risk of J. J. Abrams Directing Star Wars: The Force Awakens

If there is one element which ties all of J. J. Abrams work together is the idea of the great reveal. Secrets and reveals were the cornerstone of LOST, the ABC serialized drama which put his name on the pop culture map. His subsequent films including Super 8, hinged on a reveal that once known allowed the film to be seen on its own merits, which usually didn't amount to much. The only time where one of J. J. Abram's films was able to stand on its own, his only enduring work, is Star Trek. The film is as watchable now as it was when it was first released. It doesn't rely as heavily on the reveal and Abrams would be wise to follow that framework for Star Wars.

People will discover the secrets of Star Wars: The Force Awakens before it is released. The film will be leaked. Secrets will be spilled. Abrams needs to make sure that the work isn't diminished by the inevitable reveals. The greatness of the current Star Wars is that they are enjoyable and watchable even after you learn that Darth Vader is Luke's father. That's what Abrams should be aiming for. Have secrets and reveals in the film, sure, but also make sure the work is able to stand as a shining example of cinema even after fans memorize every scene of the film.