I was surprised to see the Infinity Wars tie-in image on the title. I guess I just didn't realize Marvel would use these existing series to tie-in to the overarching event. I have to say this is probably the best instance of an event tie-in that I have ever seen. It weaves seamlessly into the existing story. It also plays a pivotal part of the main story as it changes the owner of the time gem, so it will be interesting to see how this is referenced in the main series.
I am typically not a fan of the airbrush art look. I like the lines on the face to come from pencils and not coloring. It makes the line work look bare, but I think it is growing on me. It is probably done to keep up with a monthly schedule, so I can let it slide as long as it is consistent.
I think Kanna is a great addition to the series and I think the concept of Doctor Strange in space is interesting and original. I am really, really enjoying these new directions for each series that has come out of the Marvel Fresh Start. I recently saw that Marvel has been taking back dollar and market share from DC and I can see these books as part of that narrative.
The one thing I still don't understand though is Doctor Strange existentially. His fingers have nerve damage and yet he performs complex finger placements as part of being Sorcerer Supreme. Did he get them fixed? Does it matter?