Friday, July 25, 2014

The Perennials: October 2014 Solicitations

DC Comics
(In the order they appear in Previews)

The New 52: Futures End #22-26
Justice League #34-35
Wonder Woman #35
Aquaman #35
The Flash #35
Superman #35
Action Comics #35
Batman #35
Detective Comics #35
Green Lantern/New Gods: Godhead #1
Green Lantern #35
Green Lantern Corps #35
Green Lantern: New Guardians #35
Red Lanterns #35
Sinestro #6

Marvel Comics
(In the order they appear in Marvel Previews)

Avengers & X-Men: Axis #1-3 (of 9)
Captain America #25
Thor #1
Avengers #36-37
Original Sin Annual #1
Amazing Spider-Man #7-8
Hulk #7
Daredevil #9
Fantastic Four #11-12
Uncanny X-Men #27

  • The New 52: Futures End and Axis are taking over their respective event slots. The Original Sin Annual is extra and hopefully ties into the end of that event. I have no information about it, but it could end up just being like the Avengers AI tie-in for Age of Ultron....which would be a bummer.
  • This is evidently the last issue of Captain America before we get the All-New Captain America in November.
  • Iron Man is again missing, but not for long. Superior Iron Man launches next month.
  • Green Lantern begins another crossover a month after I get to drop Green Lantern Corps. I hope this crossover is more interesting than the last one.
  • I am not going to follow Superman: Doomed Aftermath as it appears to not be as tightly plotted as the event itself was. Supergirl reads like it has almost nothing to do with it. If it remains a numbered crossover, I will of course have to pick it up, but for now it is just Action Comics.
  • This is the end of the line for Brian Azzarello on Wonder Woman. We will have a new creative team in the form of the Finch family. I am looking forward to the art.
  • The new Thor as female arc begins this month.
  • We are getting a crossover with Ms. Marvel in the pages of Amazing Spider-Man this month.
  • Still kind of pissed that Detective Comics is a fill-in. Oh well, I hope it is good. I am probably being pessimistic for no reason.
  • I wish Flash would get more interesting. I don't think the current creative team is right for the book.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Announcing a New Female Thor Relaunching a New Thor Series

On The View today Marvel revealed that Thor will no longer be worthy of Mjolnir and the title of Thor will be given to someone who is worthy.....a female.

It doesn't appear to be Angela, who was revealed to be sister to Thor and Loki in the Tenth Realm mini-series spinning out of Original Sin. Angela has red hair. Personally, I am really excited to this change and hope it remains for a long time to come.

Update: Apparently, this new Thor will relaunch the Thor: God of Thunder series into another iteration of simply Thor with a #1 issue beginning in the fall.

Monday, March 24, 2014

The Perennials: Week of 3/26/2014

Aquaman v5 #29

(W) Jeff Parker (A/CA) Paul Pelletier, Sean Parsons
It's all-out action as Aquaman feels the wrath It's all-out action as Aquaman feels the wrath of Atlas as he makes his first appearance in The New 52! And the environmental havoc seen in the pages of SWAMP THING may put Arthur on a collision course with a certain Avatar of the Green!

The Flash v4 #29

(W) Brian Buccellato (A) Patrick Zircher (CA) Pasqual Ferry
The Flash faces the final battle against the Central City killer! But will we learn the truth behind the murder of Barry Allen's mother? Only Deadman can help solve this mystery!

Superman v4 #29

(W) Scott Lobdell (A/CA) Ed Benes
Superman and Starfire must deal with a cache of deadly alien weapons - and its horrifying impact on the innocents who find them! But first, these two heroes will have to stop fighting each other before someone ends up dead!

Avengers v5 #27

(W) Jonathan Hickman (A) Salvador Larroca (CA) Mike Deodato
•  The secret behind the All-New Avengers revealed!
•  The science war overtakes the world(s).
•  All the answers to the questions you wished remained hidden.
•  The collision of Avengers and New Avengers is imminent.

Indestructible Hulk #20

(W) Mark Waid (A) Joe Bennett (CA) Mahmud A. Asrar
• BRUCE BANNER has had enough! He's mad--and that's not good!
•  Banner blames MARIA HILL and S.H.I.E.L.D. for the tragic fate of his lab assistant and seeks revenge!
•  There's more than enough blame to go around, however--and Banner's in the crosshairs of an assassin!

Superior Spider-Man #30

(W) Dan Slott, Christos N. Gage (A/CA) Giuseppe Camuncoli
"Goblin Nation" - Part 4 of 5
•  Since the start of DYING WISH, it has ALL been building to this.
•  One of the most important moments of the ENTIRE Superior Spider-Man Saga!
•  Once this happens, it CANNOT be undone!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Uncanny X-Men v3 #19.NOW - Comic Book Review

How many times have the Uncanny X-Men teleported somewhere, found S.H.I.E.L.D. or sentinels waiting for them, Cyclops then yells, "Get the kids out of here!", then something goes wrong? How many times? Three? Four? This is a serious question. Reading Uncanny X-Men v3 is like experiencing the film Groundhog Day. This is the most decompressed, meandering mess of a series. It feels like a series on auto-pilot waiting for the result of other series, like maybe All-New X-Men to actually do something before anything happens in Uncanny. I am starting to get fed up. Having said that, I want to go into this with an open mind and a blank set of expectations. Finally Cyclops decides to get to the bottom of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the sentinel issue let us hope there is more to the conclusion than the usual.

Anyway, what we have here is a pretty decent issue. Bachelo is back after the mess of an artist from last issue. He is very welcome here and he makes the cutest-looking females. I love it. We finally get some plot developments concerning Dazzler and what Mystique is up to, but not much. Goldballs gets a new costume, that I like. Hijack gets a wake up call from S.H.I.E.L.D. and Bendis makes a script error saying that they removed all electronics from the block.....but he has a whole house full of them, soooo ummm....whatever.

In addition to all that we get new mutant-neutralizing sentinels, oh no we had this same thing happen before...did Eva use her powers then...I will have to look that up. Anyway, this looks to be, finally, the jump start the series needs to get the plot moving. Will we finally figure out who is behind the new sentinels? I hope so, fingers crossed.


Thor: God of Thunder #20 - Comic Book Review

Jason Aaron, you are the best Thor writer I have read. Truthfully though, I am a youngling when it comes to Thor. I began reading his volume when JMS and Olivier Coipel began their run some years back. Peanuts in Thor-time. To be frank, the Marvel Now era has given us some definite hit, miss, and mediocre works. Thor: God of Thunder is one if not THE crown jewel of the relaunch.

One of the weakest aspects of Thor as a standalone volume is his supporting cast. I just never liked any of them, to be perfectly honest. The idea of using three Thors, one from the past and one from the future? Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. It gives the perception of a supporting cast, only with the character we care most about - Thor. Then on top of all that we get the amazing talents of Esad Ribic more often than not and we are truly talking about a great series here.

I really dig the concept of this most recent storyline, a mega corporation that is killing the planet, and an old Thor pining over the carcass of a long-dead Earth. Great setup. In this issue we have King Thor confronting Old Galactus far in the future over the dead husk of what was once Earth. Aaron absolutely nails the personality of this older Thor and the conversation between him and Galactus is awesome.

In the present we have Thor the Avenger working his lightning magic against the likes of factories and power plants in an effort to put the mega corp out of business. But the person running the show, the CEO, is not what he seems and his sinister anti-environmental nature is not just ignorant indifference, but actual bloodlust for ruining the Earth. It all makes for an enjoyable and very cool story with, like I said, amazing art from Esad Ribic. That first long shot of Galactus, I had to slow down and take it all in, and look up at him as King Thor would.....what majesty and what a comic!


Iron Man v5 #23.NOW - Comic Book Review

Let me just get this out of the way - using Malekith the Accursed as an Iron Man villain is inspired. Iron Man may be a top-tier super hero, but his rogues gallery is paper-thin. Thor doesn't have a ton either, but Malekith as an Iron Man villain is like jelly added to peanut butter. First you have the whole Dark Elves weak against iron thing, then you have Malekith as a kick-ass sorcerer, so you then have the magic vs. technology angle. It is just an amazing marriage of ideas.

Having said that, I cannot help but admit that this issue is a bit of a mess. I love the brilliant medieval history motif. The indicia claims that the issue only contains one artist, Luke Ross, but I am having a hard time believing it. The art is.....all over the place. It looks very rushed. Some paces look amazingly clear while others look like a muddy mess. Ross at his best is what I want, great stuff, this rushed mess, not so much. You have some strange layouts and glaring blank/white backgrounds.

As for the story, Tony spends an inordinate amount of time explaining why readers should not expect a Thor guest appearance. I understand that needed to be explained, but they kind of labor the point and hell...Malekith should be a Iron Man villain, damn it! Other than that, Kieron Gillen does a great job on the script. I was a bit taken aback by the sudden appearance of the rune-chick from what, issue 5, and this "Dark Angel" character. I think Tony was away from these characters too long and is acting like we should know them more intimately. Gillen needs to reintroduce them better into the story.

Overall though, decent, with some script and definitely some art-related issues. The issues ends with a guffaw-worthy moment, so that is always a plus.


Daredevil v4 #1 - Comic Book Review

New verse, same as the first. Why did this need to get relaunched again?

Anyway, Marvel decided to relaunch it and I have to say San Francisco is a way better environment for someone like Daredevil than New York City. Another thing that struck me while reading the first few pages of this issue is that Matt would make a far better detective or forensic expert than a lawyer. Why is he a lawyer again? Oh right, upholding justice and all that. His talents are would make him the perfect detective. They should change his profession from lawyer to them an excuse to launch volume 5.

So here we are in San Francisco we have the same amazing Chris Samnee art and the same amazing Mark Waid script. What else is there to say? Matt is having trouble adjusting to the new topography and well Daredevil also gets a new female sidekick (not anyone new really), which looks to be a very promising partnership. the end...what is going on with Foggy? Intrigue! Suspense! Can't wait until the next issue!

Rating: A

The Superior Spider-Man Annual #2 - Comic Book Review

Annuals are interesting creatures. They can either be amazing or complete failures. They have the distinction of not being part of the main series and they can either choose to embrace that aspect or do their best to tie-in. I personally prefer the latter, if they are going to adopt the name of the main series, make yourself relevant by giving us some content that has meaning to the main series. This, btw, is one of those amazing annuals.

We are given two stories in this annual. The main story is about Ben Urich and his relationship with the recent Hobgoblin, his nephew Phil Urich. It becomes apparent that Phil still cares about his uncle, and Ben misinterprets this as Phil being essentially a good person who, if given the chance, would turn everything around. It is a great bit of storytelling to see that hope Ben has completely dissolved, realizing that Phil enjoys what he is doing and that his care for Ben is not necessarily due to altruism.

The second story herein is about Carlie Cooper and Watanabe, and Sajani's attempting to cure Carlie of the Goblin serum and Watanabe realizing Monster is Carlie and that her tracking algorithm in her lenses are compromised. This story is less deep than the first story, but it serves a vital purpose - giving readers a glimpse at some secondary characters in this play, freeing up Otto for the main event next issue. Great characterizations here by Christos Gage, who does some amazing one-off pick-up work like annuals. The art is very enjoyable as well we get some Javier Rodriguez channeling Marcos Martin in the first story and Philippe Brione doing some decent superhero-standard in the second story. All-in-all some great side stories, just what an annual should do.


Wonder Woman v4 #29 - Comic Book Review

I hate to admit I don't appreciate this series as much as I should. The writing and art are solid, but I don't know, something is missing from it for me to fully enjoy what I am reading. One other consistent series I could compare it to is Daredevil from Marvel - they have a similar visual style and consistent storytelling over  a long period of time, but I get this feeling there is something missing here that is not missing from Daredevil and I think that missing IT has to do with characterization.

We don't get to know Diana as well as we should. She is largely a blank slate, tough-girl. Sure she is reluctant to embrace her destiny of becoming the God of War - which she fully embraces in this issue, BTW, but other than that I don't see anything beyond that skin-deep approach. The same can be said about almost all the other characters. First Born is just a rage-monster, "I AM MAD". Almost every character, is nothing but a caricature.  The three characters I thought were interesting - the dude made out of stone, the original God of War, and Orion had actual depth to them. Hera's journey also gives her some much needed depth as well and OK, maybe strife is kind of cool machinating behind the scenes. Like I said, I don't appreciate it as much as I want to or that others do. Something is just missing, but for what it is, it isn't bad.

We got recent word that Brian Azzarello is moving on and a new creative team will be taking over in the indeterminate future. David Finch is going to take over art duties and I was amazed by how pretty he can make Diana - an artist known for making things look ugly, in a good way. So Diana is definitely in good hands going forward.


Monday, March 17, 2014

The Perennials: Week of 3/17/2014

Wonder Woman v4 #29

(W) Brian Azzarello (A/CA) Cliff Chiang
If the helmet fits...then it's time to play God!

Daredevil v4 #1

(W) Mark Waid (A/CA) Chris Samnee
Join Marvel's fearless hero as he begins his most awe-inspiring adventure yet in the sunny city of San Francisco! Gifted with an imperceptible radar sense and a passion for justice, blind lawyer Matt Murdock-a.k.a. DAREDEVIL-protects the Golden City's streets from all manner of evil. But big changes are in store for Matt Murdock as old haunts and familiar faces rise to give the devil his due. Hold on tight, because here comes Daredevil...the Man Without Fear!

Iron Man v5 #23.NOW

(W) Kieron Gillen (A) Luke Ross (CA) Mike Del Mundo
MALEKITH THE ACCURSED has a problem with IRON MAN. Malekith the Accursed has a problem with pretty much EVERYONE. Cutting edge science versus the most arcane science imaginable, all in a bath of blood. Which classic MARVEL UK character returns in a reinvented form after the REVOLUTIONARY WAR?

Superior Spider-Man Annual #2

(W) Christos N. Gage (A) Various (CA) Mike Del Mundo
• The last temptation of Green Goblin... Phil Urich!
•  As Goblin Nation consumes New York, the Superior Spider-Man's world is in flames!
•  Who will rise? Who will fall? NO ONE will be the same after this!

Thor: God of Thunder #20

(W) Jason Aaron (A/CA) Esad Ribic
•  Thor battles to save the Earth on two fronts.
•  In the present day, Thor takes on Roxxon, the world's most powerful and nefarious super-corporation. While in the far future, King Thor is all that stands between Old Galactus and the planet he's been dying to eat for a very long time.
•  Even if King Thor wins, is the Earth still doomed?

Uncanny X-Men v3 #19.NOW

(W) Brian Michael Bendis (A/CA) Chris Bachalo
The next stage in humankind is here, and the Uncanny X-Men are leading the way! With original X-Man Cyclops at the revolution's helm, Emma Frost, Magik and a new generation of mutants defend and educate all homo-superior as warriors of the atom! But after relentless persecution from a society that fears and hates them, the Uncanny X-Men are going on the offensive! Their target? The international spy organization S.H.I.E.L.D! However, as Cyclops' team fights to save their species, are they only digging themselves into a deeper and more dangerous hole?

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Superior Spider-Man #29 - Comic Book Review

Don'tcha just hate it when the cover ruins the reveal at the end of the issue? Well that happens here. It is lame, but not altogether unexpected. Just when we thought that Otto (in Spider-Man's body) couldn't get any more owned by the Green Goblin, this issue will demonstrate that Osborn was just getting started. Knowing that Otto is behind the wheel, Osborn uses that knowledge to psychologically torture him.

The Green Goblin is going through the same playbook he used against Spider-Man in the iconic Gwen Stacy storyline. Thankfully, Osborn has a blindspot for "midgets" and doesn't realize Anna Maria is Otto's love interest and therefore extremely important to him. This miscalculation ends up being deadly for Lamaze who surprisingly sacrifices himself to save Spider-Man, not knowing it is Otto under the hood.

Ultimately, the Green Goblin may prove too much for Otto to deal with and will require Peter's talents (whatever they may be) in the next issue. It is unfortunate that an advertisement for Amazing Spider-Man and the return of Peter Parker to his own body (maybe?) is splashed in the center of the issue. It kind of ruins the upcoming surprise, but Marvel has got to sell issues I guess.

The Art is OK. I am honestly not a fan of Camuncoli. Something about his shading, reminds me of fanfic art. Having said that, he does do a great job as a storyteller with a great spread and good-looking action sequences and facial expressions.

Is it wrong that I have exactly negative interest in Michael O'Hara and Spider-Man 2099? I get bored just thinking about him. *sigh*

Rating: B

Batman v2 #29 - Comic Book Review

What a wonderful way to spend your Forever Evil time than, to tell a beautiful origin story? While most other series, whose central character is busy in Forever Evil, tell inconsequential, continuity-muddled tales, Scott Snyder decided to go with an epic retelling of Batman's origin. Not necessarily the childhood tale, but his first trials and tribulations as the Batman. We are now bodies deep into this origin, at the tail end of what seems like the second act (of three acts).

It is a shame that Greg Capullo took so long to take the reigns of a major title like Batman and put his talents on display. Greg is so talented and that talent doesn't come with months-long waits between issues either. That is TRUE talent. Any artist can take forever and deliver something great on their own time, it is a true artist who can deliver what Greg delivers on a mostly monthly basis.

Snyder has a wonderful grasp of characterization and I am really enjoying the dynamic between early Gordon and Batman, seemingly the only shining lights in a city enveloped in darkness. Needless to say, because this is a three-act play, this act ends in disaster and it will be exciting to see what the Batman crew has in story for us in the third, and final, act of this magnum opus.

Rating: A

Fantastic Four v5 #2 - Comic Book Review

Here we are two issues into the latest Fantastic Four volume, in a storyline entitled, "The Fall of the Fantastic Four". Personally, I feel like we have been here a hundred times before, the Fantastic Four are apparently always in some state of "fall". Despite the staleness of the concept of this story, I am very much enjoying it so far. It is a breath of fresh air compared to the previous volume, which was one of the worst reads I've ever experienced in comics.

One of the first things we noticed visually are the new costumes. It is written in the back of this issue that they wanted to do something new with the costume, but chose red not just to be different, but also to show the Fantastic Four are in danger. I really like the red accents on the costumes, which you can see for yourself above.

As far as characterization, I most enjoy the fact that Reed is not only doing this science thing, which most writers always seem to do, but also he is using his elasticity powers much more, which have been neglected for a long time. Even during the critically acclaimed Jonathan Hickman run, Reed rarely used his powers. Here Reed's powers are on full display and I love it. Everyone else seems to be hitting the right notes, nothing yet stands out as bad or good. I find the absence of Valeria particularly interesting and I suspect she may have a part to play in what is happening to the Fantastic Four over the course of the storyline. Oh, there is some bit of characterization I did enjoy, but forgot to mention - Dragon Man and the FF. Since FF ended, they will only exist in the background in this volume, apparently, and we have seen a couple of instances of Dragon Man being protective of the kids and that is great.

The art by Leonard Kirk is great. I love the cartoon-like style. It suits the Fantastic Four much more than less traditional styles that Marvel often likes to play with.

Lastly, when I had heard James Robinson was going to be writing the Fantastic Four, I did some research into what other things he had written before. I was familiar with his modern gigs, but not his earlier work. I had noticed he has written the Fantastic Four before, one issue, bringing the Fantastic Four back from the Heroes Reborn universe. Needless to say, that matters to the current storyline and that is kind of cool. I love it when continuity matters.

Rating: B

Monday, March 10, 2014

The Perennials: Week of 3/12/2014

The Perennials cover 18 of the longest running comic book series of the Big Two (DC Comics and Marvel Comics. They include:

DC Comics
  • Action Comics
  • Superman
  • Detective Comics
  • Batman
  • Wonder Woman
  • Aquaman
  • The Flash
  • Green Lantern
  • Justice League

Marvel Comics
  • Avengers
  • Uncanny X-Men
  • Fantastic Four
  • Daredevil
  • Captain America
  • Iron Man
  • Thor: God of Thunder
  • Indestructible Hulk
  • Superior Spider-Man

Now, you may have noticed that some of these titles are quite new. That is true, but the series they represent as been published almost continuously since the 1960s or earlier. The Perennials ignore all flash-in-the-pan series that only stick around for a short time. However, The Perennials does include event books like Forever Evil and the upcoming Original Sin.

This Week we have the following entries in The Perennials and they will be reviewed individually later in the week.

Batman #29

(W) Scott Snyder (A) Greg Capullo, Danny Miki (CA) Greg Capullo
The "DARK CITY" chapter of "ZERO YEAR" reaches its conclusion in this amazing, extra-sized issue! Now, the next chapter of Zero Year is almost upon us, and we've saved the best for last! What corners of Batman's past will be revealed? And how will they impact his very near future? Find out here!

Fantastic Four #2

(W) James Robinson (A/CA) Leonard Kirk
•  Manhattan is under attack by a monstrous killer swarm from a corrupted pocket universe, and in order to defeat it the FANTASTIC FOUR will need all their courage, powers and well as those of every other hero in New York!
•  But to attain final victory one of the First Family will must make a TERRIBLE SACRIFICE!
•  And so the first strings are pulled and the first pieces are put in place...
•  ...On the Fantastic Four's DOWNFALL!

Superior Spider-Man #29

(W) Dan Slott (A/CA) Giuseppe Camuncoli
"Goblin Nation" - Part 3 of 5
•  The Spider-Slayer Squadron were supposed to be under Mayor J. Jonah Jameson's control...
•  ...but now they've been drafted into The Goblin Nation!
•  Guest Starring: Spider-Man 2099!